Source: canvallax.js

/*! canvallax v2.0.0 ( built 2016-08-05 ) @preserve */


  'use strict';

  var /**
       * Canvallax object containing all classes & methods
       * @namespace {object} canvallax
       * @public
      canvallax = win.canvallax = win.canvallax || {},

      doc = document,
      root = doc.documentElement,
      body = doc.body,
      arr = Array.prototype,
      // requestAnimationFrame polyfill
      requestAnimationFrame = win.requestAnimationFrame || win.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || win.mozRequestAnimationFrame || win.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback){ win.setTimeout(callback, 20); }; // IE Fallback

  // Exit if browser does not support canvas
  if ( !win.CanvasRenderingContext2D ) { return false; }

  // Shorthand name
  win.clx = canvallax;

  var rad = Math.PI / 180,
      twoPI = 2 * Math.PI,
      noop = function(){},
      fnType = typeof noop,
      isFunction = function(fn){ return typeof fn === fnType; };


   * Extend an object with properties from other objects.
   * If only one argument is provided, the `target` is assumed to be `this` in the current context.
   * @type method
   * @memberof canvallax
   * @param {object} target - Target object to receive properties from the other objects.
   * @param {...object} - Objects to merge
   * @returns {object} - Object with merged properties

  function extend() {

    var a = arguments,
        target = a[0] || {},
        length = a.length,
        i = 1,

    if ( length === 1 ) {
      target = this;
      i = 0;

    for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
      if ( a[i] ) {
        for ( key in a[i] ) {
          if ( a[i].hasOwnProperty(key) ) { target[key] = a[i][key]; }

    return target;

  canvallax.extend = extend;


   * Create a clone of an object or Class
   * @type method
   * @memberof canvallax
   * @param {!object} target - Original to clone. If not included, will default to `this`
   * @param {!object} properties - Properties to include on the clone
   * @param {!boolean} cloneChildren - If the original has children, clone them.
   * @returns {object} - Cloned object containing extra properties from the provided object.

  function clone(target, properties, cloneChildren) {

    if ( arguments.length <= 1 || typeof properties === "boolean" ) {
      cloneChildren = properties;
      properties = target;
      target = this;

    var props = extend({}, target, properties),
        len = props.length,
        i = 0;

    /** Clone all children */
    if ( len && cloneChildren ) {
      props.children = [];
      props.length = 0;
      for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
        if ( props[i] && props[i].clone ) {
          props.children[i] = props[i].clone();
          delete props[i];

    return new target.constructor(props);

  canvallax.clone = clone;


  // Gets around using `.apply` for creating new instances of a class, adapted from
  function construct(constructor, args) {
    function C(){ return constructor.apply(this, args); }
    C.prototype = constructor.prototype;
    return new C();

   * Create a new Class with the properties provided
   * @type method
   * @memberof canvallax
   * @param {!object} target - Original to clone. If not included, will default to `this`
   * @param {!object} properties - Properties to include on the clone
   * @returns {object} - Cloned object containing extra properties from the provided object.

  function createClass(){

    function C(options) {
      var me = this,
          len = arguments.length,
          i = 0;

      // Ensure object is always created as `new Class` even if `new` isn't used.
      if ( !(me instanceof C) ) {
        args = new Array(len);
        for(; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; }
        return construct(C,args);

      if ( len === 1 ) { extend(me,options); }

      me.fn = C.fn;

      if ( me.init ) { me.init.apply(me,arguments); }
      // Autoplay animation-like objects
      if ( me.playing && ) {; }

      return me;

    var len = arguments.length,
        i = 0,
        fn = {
          init: noop,
          extend: extend,
          clone: clone

    for( ; i < len; i++ ) {
      arg = arguments[i];
      // Get the prototype of classes that the new class will inherit from, if available.
      if ( arg.prototype ) { arg = arg.prototype; }
      for ( var key in arg ) {
        if ( arg.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { fn[key] = arg[key]; }

    fn.constructor = C;
    C.fn = C.prototype = fn;

    return C;

  canvallax.createClass = createClass;

 * Array-like properties used for some Canvallax classes
 * @mixin arrayLike

var arrayLike = {
      length: 0,
      splice: arr.splice,
      indexOf: arr.indexOf,
      push: arr.push,
      sort: arr.sort,
      unshift: arr.unshift,

       * Add an element, group or array of elements to collection
       * @param {...object|object[]} element - Element or array of elements to be added
       * @returns {this}
       * @memberof! arrayLike
      add: function(el){
        var me = this,
            elements = ( el && el.length > -1 && Array.isArray(el) ? el : arguments ),
            len = elements.length,
            i = 0;

        for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
          // Prevent adding `false` or `undefined` elements
          if ( elements[i] ) { me.push(elements[i]); }

        return me;

       * Run a function for each item in collection
       * @param {function} callback - Callback function run for each item
       * @param thisArg - Overrride `this` in the callback function
       * @returns {this}
       * @memberof! arrayLike
      each: function(callback,thisArg){
        var me = this,
            length = this.length,
            i = 0,

        for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
          t = thisArg || me[i];
          if ( t, me[ i ], i ) === false ) { break; }

        return this;

       * Remove an element from collection
       * @param {...object|object[]} element - Element or array of elements to be removed
       * @returns {this}
       * @memberof! arrayLike
      remove: function(el){

        var me = this,
            elements = ( el && el.length > -1 && Array.isArray(el) ? el : arguments ),
            len = elements.length,

        while (len--) {
          index = me.indexOf(elements[len]);
          if ( index > -1 ) { me.splice(index, 1); }

        return me;

var _transformAttr = ['width','height'];

 * Core properties used for most Canvallax objects
 * @mixin core
 * @property {number} x=0 - `x` coordinate, horizontal offset from the left
 * @property {number} y=0 - `y` coordinate, vertical offset from the top
 * @property {number} z=1 - `z` coordinate, scale relative to the parent. Affects the final rendered coordinates.
 * @property {number} opacity=1 - Object's opacity with `1` as fully opaque and `0` as fully transparent, with rendering skipped. Relative to the parent's opacity.
 * @property {number} scale=1 - How large the object should be rendered relative to its natural size, from the `transformOrigin` property]
 * @property {number} rotation=0 - Amount of rotation in degrees from the `transformOrigin` property
 * @borrows canvallax.extend as set
 * @property {core.preRender} preRender - Callback before the object is rendered.
 * @property {core._render} _render - Object specific callback to render to the context.
 * @property {core.postRender} postRender - Callback after the object is rendered.

var core = {

    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    z: 1,
    opacity: 1,
    scale: 1,
    rotation: 0,

     * Add object to a parent
     * @type {function}
     * @param {...object|object[]} element - Parent or array of parents for the object to be added to
     * @returns {this}
     * @memberof! core
     * @example
     * var scene = canvallax.Scene(),
     *     rect = canvallax.Rectangle();
     * rect.addTo(scene);
    addTo: function(el){
      var elements = ( el && el.length > -1 && Array.isArray(el) ? el : arguments ),
          len = elements.length,
          i = 0;

      for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
        if ( elements[i] && elements[i].add ) { elements[i].add(this); }

      return this;

     * Set multiple properties of an object
     * @type {function}
     * @param {object} - Object with properties to merge
     * @returns {this}
     * @memberof! core
    extend: extend,
    set: extend,

     * Main rendering function that calls all callbacks, sets the context alpha & blend, and renders children, if any.
     * @type {function}
     * @returns {this}
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @param {canvallax.Scene|canvallax.Group=} parent - Parent object, usually a `{@link canvallax.Scene}`
     * @memberof! core
    render: function(ctx,parent) {

      if ( !ctx ) { return; }

      var me = this,
          len = me.length,
          i = 0,
          pos, key, o;

      parent = parent || me.parent;;

      // Clear previous frame
      if ( me.clearFrames && me.clear ) { me.clear(ctx,parent); }

      // Opacity based on parent's opacity.
      o = ctx.globalAlpha * me.opacity;
      if ( o > 0 ) {

        ctx.globalAlpha = o;

        if ( me.blend ) { ctx.globalCompositeOperation = me.blend; }

        // Apply clipping mask
        if ( me.clip ) { me._clip(ctx,parent); }

        // 'z' scaling if it has a parent and isn't fixed
        if ( me.fixed || ( parent && parent.transform(ctx, me.z) ) ) {

          // Apply this element's transforms. If scale is 0, the element won't continue to render.
          if ( me.transform(ctx) ) {

            // Pre-render callback
            if ( me.preRender ) { me.preRender(ctx,parent); }

            // Render this
            if ( me._render ) { me._render(ctx,parent); }

            // Render children
            for ( ; i < len; i++ ){ me[i].render(ctx,me); }

            // Post-render callback
            if ( me.postRender ) { me.postRender(ctx,parent); }

      return me;

     * Get the canvas the object is rendering onto
     * @type {function}
     * @memberof! core
    getCanvas: function(){
      return this.canvas || ( this.parent ? this.parent.getCanvas() : false );

     * Where the object's transforms will occur, either as an array of coordinates or two keywords separated by a space.
     * The default of `'center center'` means that `rotation` and `scale` transforms will be relative to the center of the object's `width` and `height`.
     * As a string, the first keyword can be `left`, `center` or `right` cooresponding to the appropriate horizontal position, and the second keyword can be `top`, `center` or `bottom` cooresponding to the appropriate vertical position.
     * @type {string|number[]}
     * @default
     * @memberof! core
    transformOrigin: 'center center',

     * Calculate the transform coordinates based on width/height.
     * @private
    calcTransformPoint: function() {
      var me = this,
          point = [0,0],
          origin = me.transformOrigin.split(' '),
          i = 0,
          val, multiplier;

      for ( ; i < 2; i++) {
        val = origin[i];
        multiplier = (
            val === 'center' ? 0.5 :
            val === 'right' || val === 'bottom' ? 1 :
            val.indexOf('%') ? parseFloat(val)/100 :

        if ( multiplier ) { point[i] = me[_transformAttr[i]] * multiplier; }

      return point;

     * Get the coordinates where the transforms should occur based on the transform origin.
     * @private
     * @type {function}
     * @param {boolean} force - force an update of the coordinate cache.
     * @returns {array} - Array of `x` & `y` coordinates.
     * @memberof! core
    getTransformPoint: function(force){
      var me = this,
          point = me._transformPoint,
          origin = me.transformOrigin,
          isArr = Array.isArray(origin);

      // If this is a `canvallax.Group` with a parent `canvallax.Scene` and no exact width & height or array of transformOrigin coordinates, then render relative to the parent scene's coordinates
      if ( !isArr && !me.width && !me.height && me.length && me.parent ) { return me.parent.getTransformPoint(); }

      // Cache values to avoid recalculation
      if ( force || (!point || me._transformOrigin !== origin) ) {
        point = ( isArr ? origin : me.calcTransformPoint() );
        me._transformOrigin = me.transformOrigin;
        me._transformPoint = point;

      return point;

     * Returns the object's current `x` and `y` coordinates relative to the parent.
     * @private
     * @type {function}
     * @param {number=} coordScale - Scale of the coordinates, typically the child's `z`
     * @returns {array}
     * @memberof! core
    getCoords: function(coordScale){
      var x = this.x,
          y = this.y,
          offset = this.offset,
          parent = this.parent,
          parentOffset = !this.fixed && parent && parent.getCoords ? parent.getCoords(coordScale) : false;

      if ( offset ) {
        x += offset.x || 0;
        y += offset.y || 0;

      if ( parentOffset ) {
        x += parentOffset[0];
        y += parentOffset[1];

      if ( !parent && coordScale !== undefined ) {
        x *= coordScale;
        y *= coordScale;

      return [x,y];

     * Transforms the canvas context based on the object's properties.
     * @private
     * @type {function}
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @param {number=} relativeZ - `z` value to base the scaling on, typically of the child.
     * @returns {boolean}
     * @memberof! core
    transform: function(ctx, relativeZ) {
      var scale = ( relativeZ !== undefined ? relativeZ : this.scale ),
          coords, transformPoint;

      if ( scale <= 0 ) {
        return false;

      if ( scale !== 1 || (this.rotation % 360) !== 0 ) {
        coords = this.getCoords(relativeZ);
        transformPoint = this.getTransformPoint();
        coords[0] += transformPoint[0];
        coords[1] += transformPoint[1];
        if ( this.rotation ) { ctx.rotate(this.rotation * rad); }

      return this;

     * Element or custom function to clip object to for masking effects.
     * @name clip
     * @type {function|canvallax.Element}
     * @memberof! core
     * @example
     * // circular image!
     * var circle = canvallax.Ellipse({ width: 100, height: 100 }),
     *      image = canvallax.Image({ src: 'myimage.jpg', clip: circle });

     * Clip to element or with custom function
     * @private
     * @type {function}
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @param {canvallax.Scene|canvallax.Group} parent - Parent object, usually a `{@link canvallax.Scene}`
     * @memberof! core
    _clip: function(ctx,parent){
      var me = this;
      if ( me.clip.render ) {
        me.clip.parent = parent || me;
      } else {,ctx,parent);

     * Create a clone of this object
     * @borrows clone as clone
     * @method
     * @param {object=} options - Properties to be applied to the cloned object
     * @memberof! core

     * Callback function triggered when an intance is first created.
     * Receives all arguments passed to the Object's creation function.
     * @callback init
     * @type {function}
     * @memberof! core

     * Callback before the object is rendered. Ideal for updating properties before object is drawn to canvas.
     * @callback preRender
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @param {canvallax.Scene|canvallax.Group} parent - Parent object, usually a `{@link canvallax.Scene}`
     * @memberof! core

     * Object specific rendering callback
     * @callback _render
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @param {canvallax.Scene|canvallax.Group} parent - Parent object, usually a `{@link canvallax.Scene}`
     * @memberof! core

     * Callback after the object is rendered.
     * @callback postRender
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @param {canvallax.Scene|canvallax.Group} parent - Parent object, usually a `{@link canvallax.Scene}`
     * @memberof! core


 * An array-like object that groups all `requestAnimationFrame` calls into one.

var animations = extend({},arrayLike,{

  animate: function(){

    animations.frame = requestAnimationFrame(animations.animate);

    var len = animations.length,

    if ( !animations.playing || len === 0  ) { animations.stop(); return; }
      el = animations[len];
      if ( el && el.playing && ( el.render && !el.render() )) { el.stop(); }


  play: function(){
    animations.frame = animations.frame || requestAnimationFrame(animations.animate);
    animations.playing = true;

  stop: function(){
    animations.playing = false;
    animations.frame = null;

  kill: function(){
    return animations.splice(0);

canvallax.animations = animations;

 * Shared properties for classes that need to re-render every `requestAnimationFrame`.
 * @mixin animateCore

var animateCore = {

     * Play the animation by adding it to the main `requestAnimationFrame` call.
     * @method
     * @memberof! animateCore

    play: function(){
      this.playing = true;

      var index = animations.indexOf(this);
      if ( index == -1 ) { animations[ ( this.animateLast ? 'unshift' : 'push' ) ](this); };
      return this;

     * Stop the animation by removing it from the main `requestAnimationFrame` call.
     * @method
     * @memberof! animateCore
    stop: function(){
      this.playing = false;
      var index = animations.indexOf(this);
      if ( index > -1 ) { animations.splice(index, 1); }
      return this;


 * Easing functions for animations, adapted from {@link}
 * @memberof! canvallax
 * @property {function} linear - Linear easing
 * @property {function} inQuad - Quadratic easing in
 * @property {function} outQuad - Quadratic easing out
 * @property {function} inOutQuad - Quadratic easing in & out, the default animation easing.
 * @property {function} inCubic - Cubic easing in
 * @property {function} outCubic - Cubic easing out
 * @property {function} inOutCubic - Cubic easing in & out
 * @property {function} inQuart - Quart easing in
 * @property {function} outQuart - Quart easing out
 * @property {function} inOutQuart - Quart easing in & out

canvallax.ease = {

  linear: function(t){ return t; },

  inQuad: function(t){ return t*t; },
  outQuad: function(t){ return t*(2-t); },
  inOutQuad: function(t){ return t<0.5 ? 2*t*t : -1+(4-2*t)*t; },

  inCubic: function(t){ return t*t*t; },
  outCubic: function(t){ return (--t)*t*t+1; },
  inOutCubic: function(t){ return t<0.5 ? 4*t*t*t : (t-1)*(2*t-2)*(2*t-2)+1; },

  inQuart: function (t){ return t*t*t*t; },
  outQuart: function (t){ return 1-(--t)*t*t*t; },
  inOutQuart: function(t){ return t<0.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t; }


 * Animate an object's properties to new values
 * @class
 * @returns {object} Animate instance
 * @memberof canvallax
 * @mixes animateCore
 * @param {object} target - Object to animate.
 * @param {number} duration - Duration in seconds.
 * @param {object} properties - Properties &amp; values to animate.
 * @param {object} options - Animation specific options, applied to the animation as properties.
 * @param {number} options.repeat=0 - Number of times to repeat the animation. -1 is infinite
 * @param {boolean} options.yoyo - Reverse animation on repeat
 * @param {function|string} options.ease=canvallax.ease.inOutQuad - Easing function to use. Many functions are built in to {@link canvallax.ease}, and you can reference them directly or use a string of the property instead of the function itself like `'inOutCubic'`
 * @param {boolean} options.reversed - Play animation backwards
 * @param {canvallax.Animate.onStart} options.onStart - Callback for when animation starts
 * @param {canvallax.Animate.onUpdate} options.onUpdate - Callback for every `requestAnimationFrame` render
 * @param {canvallax.Animate.onComplete} options.onComplete - Callback for when animation completes
 * @example
 * // Make a square spin forever
 * var redSquare = canvallax.Rectangle({ fill: '#F00', width: 100, height: 100 });
 * canvallax.Animate(redSquare, 1, { rotation: 360 },{ ease: canvallax.ease.linear, repeat: -1 });

function Animate(target,duration,to,opts){

  if ( !(this instanceof Animate) ) { return new Animate(target,duration,to,opts); }

  var me = this,

  extend(me,opts); = target; = to;

  if ( !me.from ) {
    me.from = {};
    for (key in to){ me.from[key] = target[key]; }

  //me.render = me.render.bind(me);
  me.ease = canvallax.ease[me.ease] || me.ease;

  return me;


Animate.fn = Animate.prototype = extend({},animateCore, /** @lends Animate# */{

  repeat: 0,
  ease: canvallax.ease.inOutQuad,

   * Get or set the animation's duration
   * @method
   * @memberof! canvallax.Animate
   * @param {number} Set the duration in seconds, or retreive the current duration
  duration: function(dur){
    if ( dur ) { this._d = dur * 1000; }
    else { return this._d / 1000; }

   * Start the animation from the beginning.
   * @method
   * @memberof! canvallax.Animate
  restart: function(isRepeat){
    // Animation start time.

    var d = ( isRepeat ? this.repeatDelay : this.delay );

    this._s = + (d ? d * 1000 : 0);
    this._p = 0;
    if ( this.onStart ) { this.onStart(); };

  pause: function(){
    // Save the time the animation was paused to calculate elapsed time later.
    this._p = this._p ||;
    this.playing = false;

   * Reverse the animation & restart.
   * @method
   * @memberof! canvallax.Animate
  reverse: function(){
    this.reversed = !this.reversed;

  /** @private */
  render: function(){

    var me = this,
        now =,
        progress, delta, key;

    if ( !me.playing ) { return; }

    // If animation was paused, add the elapsed time to the start time.
    if ( me._p ) {
      me._s += ( now - me._p );
      me._p = 0;

    if ( now < me._s ) { return true; }

    progress = ( now - me._s ) / me._d;
    if ( progress > 1 ) { progress = 1; }

    delta = me.ease(me.reversed ? 1 - progress : progress );
    for (key in{[key] = me.from[key] + ([key] - me.from[key]) * delta;

    if ( me.onUpdate && me.onUpdate() === false ) { return false; }

    if ( progress === 1 ) {
      if ( me.onComplete ) { me.onComplete(); }
      if ( me.yoyo ) { me.reversed = !me.reversed; }
      if ( me.repeat === 0) {
        return false;
      } else {
        if ( me.repeat > 0 ) { me.repeat--; }

    return true;



 * Callback for when animation starts, triggered each time an animation repeats.
 * @callback onStart
 * @memberof! canvallax.Animate

 * Callback for when animation values are updated each `requestAnimationFrame`.
 * If this callback returns `false`, the animation will stop.
 * Useful for rendering a {@link canvallax.Scene} only while an element is animating.
 * @callback onUpdate
 * @memberof! canvallax.Animate
 * @returns {boolean?}
 * @example
 * // Make a square spin
 * var scene = canvallax.Scene({ playing: false }), // Scene will not automatically render
 *     redSquare = canvallax.Rectangle({ fill: '#F00', width: 100, height: 100 });
 * canvallax.Animate(redSquare, 1, { rotation: 360 },{ onUpdate: scene.render }); // Only update the scene while element is rendering

 * Callback for when animation reaches the end, triggered each time an animation repeats.
 * @callback onComplete
 * @memberof! canvallax.Animate

canvallax.Animate = Animate;

 * Animate an object's properties to new values
 * @class canvallax.Animate.from
 * @memberof canvallax.Animate
 * @param {object} target - Object to animate
 * @param {number} duration - Duration in seconds
 * @param {object} fromProperties - Properties &amp; values to animate from
 * @param {object} options - Animation specific options
Animate.from = function(target,duration,from,options){
  var to = {};
  for (var key in from){ to[key] = target[key]; }
  options = options || {};
  options.from = from;
  return new Animate(target,duration,to,options);

 * Animate an object's properties to new values
 * @class canvallax.Animate.fromTo
 * @memberof canvallax.Animate
 * @param {object} target - Object to animate
 * @param {number} duration - Duration in seconds
 * @param {object} fromProperties - Properties &amp; values to animate from
 * @param {object} toProperties - Properties &amp; values to animate to
 * @param {object} options - Animation specific options
Animate.fromTo = function(target,duration,from,to,options){
  options = options || {};
  options.from = from;
  return new Animate(target,duration,to,options);

 * Animate an object's properties to new values. See {@link canvallax.Animate} for more details.
 * @method to
 * @extends canvallax.Animate
 * @memberof! core
 * @param {number} duration - Duration in seconds
 * @param {object} toProperties - Properties &amp; values to animate to
 * @param {object} options - [Animation specific options]{@link canvallax.Animate}
 * @example
 * // Make a square spin forever
 * var redSquare = canvallax.Rectangle({ fill: '#F00', width: 100, height: 100 });
 *, { rotation: 360 },{ ease: canvallax.ease.linear, repeat: -1 });
 */ = core.animate = function(d,t,o){ return new Animate(this,d,t,o); };

 * Animate an object's properties from values. See {@link canvallax.Animate.from} for more details.
 * @method from
 * @borrows canvallax.Animate.from
 * @memberof! core
 * @param {number} duration - Duration in seconds
 * @param {object} fromProperties - Properties &amp; values to animate from
 * @param {object} options - [Animation specific options]{@link canvallax.Animate}
core.from = function(d,f,o){ return new Animate.from(this,d,f,o); };

 * Animate an object's properties from values to another set of values. See {@link canvallax.Animate.fromTo} for more details.
 * @method fromTo
 * @extends canvallax.Animate.fromTo
 * @memberof! core
 * @instance
 * @param {number} duration - Duration in seconds
 * @param {object} fromProperties - Properties &amp; values to animate from
 * @param {object} toProperties - Properties &amp; values to animate to
 * @param {object} options - [Animation specific options]{@link canvallax.Animate}
core.fromTo = function(d,f,t,o){ return new Animate.fromTo(this,d,f,t,o); };

function zIndexSort(a,b){
  var sort = ( a.zIndex === b.zIndex ? 0 : a.zIndex < b.zIndex ? -1 : 1 );
  return sort || ( a.z === b.z ? 0 : a.z < b.z ? -1 : 1 );

 * Control a group of element's positioning and transforms together
 * @class An array-like collection of canvallax elements.
 * @mixes core
 * @memberof canvallax
canvallax.Group = createClass(core,arrayLike,
  /** @lends canvallax.Group# */
    type: 'group',

     * Add an element, group or array of elements to collection
     * @param {...object|object[]} element - Element or array of elements to be added
     * @returns {this}
    add: function(el){
      var me = this,
          elements = ( el && el.length > -1 && Array.isArray(el) ? el : arguments ),
          len = elements.length,
          i = 0;

      for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
        if ( elements[i] ) { // Prevent adding `false` or `undefined` elements
          elements[i].parent = me;

      return me.sort(zIndexSort);

    init: function(options){
      if ( options && options.children ) { this.add(options.children); }


 * Canvallax Scenes are where elements are rendered, essentially a fancy wrapper for a `<canvas>` element.
 * If you're using the default `fullscreen` setup, then you probably want these styles:
 * ```css
 * .canvallax {
 *   position: fixed;
 *   top: 0;
 *   left: 0;
 *   z-index: -1;
 * }
 * ```
 * @class
 * @mixes core|animateCore
 * @extends canvallax.Group
 * @memberof canvallax
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new `canvallax.Scene` instance. Reference the properties below for
 * @property {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas=null - `<canvas>` element the scene should be rendered on. Creates a new `<canvas>` by default
 * @property {node} parentElement=document.body - Node the `<canvas>` should be appended to upon initialization.
 * @property {string} className=null - Classes to add to the canvas, in addition to the `'canvallax'` class automatically added.
 * @property {boolean} fullscreen=true - Set the canvas width and height to the size of the window, and update on window resize.
 * @property {boolean} clearFrames=true - Should the canvas be cleared before rendering?
 * @property {number} width=null - Width of the `<canvas>`, set automatically if `fullscreen` is true or a `<canvas>` element is provided
 * @property {number} height=null - Heightof the `<canvas>`, set automatically if `fullscreen` is true or a `<canvas>` element is provided
 * @property {boolean} playing=true - If true, the scene will be re-rendered each `requestAnimationFrame`
 * @example
 * // draw scene to an existing `<canvas>`.
 * var scene = canvallax.Scene({
          fullscreen: false,
 *        canvas: document.getElementById('#myCanvas')
 *      });

var styles = '<style>.canvallax--fullscreen { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1; }</style>';

canvallax.Scene = createClass(canvallax.Group,animateCore,
  /** @lends canvallax.Scene# */

    type: 'scene',

    parentElement: body,
    className: '',

    fullscreen: true,
    includeStyles: true,

    playing: true,
    animateLast: true,
    clearFrames: true,

     * Function to clear the canvas context if `clearFrames` is true.
     * @type {function}
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @memberof! canvallax.Scene
    clear: function(ctx){
      var fill = this.fill;
      if ( fill ) { ctx.fillStyle = fill; }
      ctx[ this.fill ? 'fillRect' : 'clearRect' ](0, 0, this.width, this.height);
      return this;

     * Resize the `<canvas>`
     * @type {function}
     * @param {number} width
     * @param {number} height
     * @memberof! canvallax.Scene
    resize: function(width,height){
      this.width = this.canvas.width = width || this.width;
      this.height = this.canvas.height = height || this.height;
      return this;

     * Resize the `<canvas>` to fit the full `window`
     * @type {function}
     * @memberof! canvallax.Scene
    resizeFullscreen: function() {
      return this;

     * @param {Object} [options] Options object
     * @memberof! canvallax.Scene
    init: function(options){
      var me = this;

      if ( !me.canvas ) {
        me.canvas = doc.createElement('canvas');
        me.parentElement.insertBefore(me.canvas, me.parentElement.firstChild);

      me.ctx = me.canvas.getContext('2d');

      me.className += ' canvallax ';

      if ( me.fullscreen ) {

        win.addEventListener('resize', me.resizeFullscreen.bind(me));

        if ( styles && me.includeStyles ) {
          styles = null;

        me.className += ' canvallax--fullscreen ';

      } else {
        me.resize(me.width || me.canvas.width, me.height || me.canvas.height);

      me.canvas.className += me.className;

      if ( options && options.children ) { me.add(options.children); }

      me.render = me.render.bind(me,me.ctx,me);


 * Elements are everything drawn on the Canvallax canvas. Element instances can be created either by calling `new canvallax.Element` or simply `canvallax.Element`.
 * `canvallax.Element` is a class that doesn't do much by itself, but rather is the framework for the other elements like `{@link canvallax.Ellipse}` and `{@link canvallax.Image}`, and allows you to create your own custom elements.
 * In order to be rendered, Canvallax Element instances need to have a `draw` function and be added to a `{@link canvallax.Scene}` or `{@link canvallax.Group}`. Most elements will also need a `fill` or `stroke` to be visible.
 * @mixin
 * @mixes core
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @returns {canvallax.Element}
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
 * @property {canvallax.Scene|canvallax.Group} parent=null - Parent object, automatically assigned when added to a `{@link canvallax.Scene}` or `{@link canvallax.Group}`.
 * @property {string} fill=null - Fill color
 * @property {string} stroke=null - Stroke color
 * @property {number} lineWidth=1 - Width of the stroke, if `stroke` is set.
 * @property {number} zIndex=null - Stacking order of the element, higher numbers are rendered last making them appear on top of lower zIndex elements. Defaults to `z` property
 * @property {boolean} fixed=null - If false, the element will be relative to parent, otherwise it will render fixed on the canvas.
 * @example
 * var scene = canvallax.Scene(),
 *     rect = canvallax.Rectangle(); // A type of canvallax.Element
 * scene.add(rect);

canvallax.Element = createClass(core,
  /** @lends canvallax.Element# */

    type: 'element',

    lineWidth: 1,

    _render: function(ctx,parent){
      var me = this;

      if ( me.draw ) {

      if ( me.fill ) {
        if ( isFunction(me.fill) ) { me.fill(ctx,parent); }
        else {
          ctx.fillStyle = me.fill;

      if ( me.stroke ) {
        if ( me.lineWidth ) { ctx.lineWidth = me.lineWidth; }

        if ( isFunction(me.stroke) ) { me.stroke(ctx,parent); }
        else {
          ctx.strokeStyle = me.stroke;

     * Callback to draw the element on the context.
     * @callback draw
     * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx - 2d canvas context
     * @param {array} coords - Array of the calculated `x` and `y` coordinates
     * @param {canvallax.Scene|canvallax.Group} parent - Parent object, usually a `{@link canvallax.Scene}`
     * @memberof! canvallax.Element


 * Creates a custom Canvallax Element.
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @method
var createElement = canvallax.createElement = createClass.bind(null,canvallax.Element);

var kappa = 0.5522848,

    // Detect support for native canvas ellipses
    ellipseSupport = (function(){
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
          ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

      return ( typeof ctx.ellipse === typeof function(){} );

    drawEllipse = function(ctx,coords) {
      ctx.ellipse(coords[0] + (this.width/2), coords[1] + (this.height / 2), (this.width/2), (this.height / 2), 0, 0, twoPI);

// Manually draw ellipse if browser doesn't support native canvas ellipses
if ( !ellipseSupport ) {
  drawEllipse = function(ctx,coords) {
    var w = this.width,
        h = this.height,
        x = coords[0],
        y = coords[1];

    if ( w === h ) { // Circle!
      ctx.arc(x + w/2, coords[1] + w/2, w/2, 0, twoPI);
    } else {
      var ox = (w / 2) * kappa,
          oy = (h / 2) * kappa,
          xe = x + w,
          ye = y + h,
          xm = x + w / 2,
          ym = y + h / 2;

      ctx.moveTo(x, ym);
      ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y);
      ctx.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym);
      ctx.bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye);
      ctx.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym);

 * Draw Ellipses and Circles!
 * @type {canvallax.Element}
 * @constructs canvallax.Ellipse
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @mixes core
 * @extends canvallax.Element
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
 * @property {number} width=null - Width of the ellipse, required to render.
 * @property {number} height=null - Height of the ellipse, required to render.
canvallax.Ellipse = createElement(
  /** @lends canvallax.Ellipse# */
    type: 'ellipse',

    draw: drawEllipse

 * Draw a Rectangle!
 * @class
 * @mixes core
 * @extends canvallax.Element
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
 * @property {number} width=null - Width of the rectangle
 * @property {number} height=null - Height of the rectangle.
 * @example
 * var redTriangle = canvallax.Polygon({
 *        fill: '#F00',
 *        points: 3,
 *        width: 100,
 *        height: 100
 *      });

canvallax.Rectangle = createElement(
  /** @lends canvallax.Rectangle.prototype */

    type: 'rectangle',

    draw: function(ctx,coords) {
      ctx.rect(coords[0], coords[1], this.width, this.height);


 * Image class for drawing an `<img>` or `<canvas>` Element on a Canvallax scene.
 * The element's `width` and `height` are set on image load unless already provided.
 * @class canvallax.Image
 * @mixes core
 * @extends canvallax.Element
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @param {object|string} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new `canvallax.Image` instance, or a string containing the URL of the image src to be used.
 * @property {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement} image=null - Image element to draw. Will be created on initialization if not provided.
 * @property {string} src=null - URL of the image to draw, subject to [cross origin policies]{@link}
 * @property {number} width=null - Width of the image. Set onload if not provided.
 * @property {number} height=null - Height of the image. Set onload if not provided.
 * @example
 * var img = canvallax.Image('myimage.jpg'); // src can be provided as only parameter on init.
 * @example
 * var img = canvallax.Image({
 *          src: 'myimage.jpg'
 *          width: 300, // Ignore the images actual dimensions, and render at a specific width
 *          height: 100 // Ignore the images actual dimensions, and render at a specific height
 *       });

canvallax.Image = createElement(
  /** @lends canvallax.Image# */
    type: 'image',

    onload: function(img){
      img.width = ( img.width ? img.width : img.image.width );
      img.height = ( img.height ? img.height : img.image.height );

    onerror: function(){

    init: function(options){
      var img = this.image;

      img = ( img && img.nodeType === 1 ? img : options && options.nodeType === 1 ? options : new Image() );

      // Clone the element unless it's Canvas
      if ( !(img instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) ) { img = img.cloneNode(); }

      this.image = img;

      // Ensure we get width/height of image for best draw performance
      img.onload = this.onload.bind(null,this);
      img.onerror = this.onerror;

      img.src = img.src || options.src || options;

    draw: function(ctx,coords){
      if ( this.image ) {
        ctx.drawImage(this.image, coords[0], coords[1], this.width, this.height);

 * Draw standard or custom polygon shapes!
 * @class
 * @mixes core
 * @extends canvallax.Element
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
 * @property {number|array} points=6 - Number of points for standard polygons (triangle, hexagon, etc) or an array of coordinates to draw more complex shapes. Set the last value of array to `'close'` if you want the shape to be closed.
 * @property {number} width=null - Width of the polygon, not used if an array of points is provided.
 * @property {number} height=null - Height of the polygon, not used if an array of points is provided.
 * @example
 * var redTriangle = canvallax.Polygon({
 *        fill: '#F00',
 *        points: 3,
 *        width: 100,
 *        height: 100
 *      });
 * @example
 * var blackStar = canvallax.Polygon({
 *        fill: '#000',
 *        points: [[80, 0], [100, 50], [160, 55], [115, 95], [130, 150], [80, 120], [30, 150], [45, 95], [0, 55], [60, 50],'close'],
 *      });

canvallax.Polygon = createElement(
  /** @lends canvallax.Polygon# */

    type: 'polygon',

    points: 6,

    draw: function(ctx,coords) {
      var p = this.points,
          len = p.length,
          i = 0,
          w, h, x, y;

      if ( len ) {
        for (; i < len; i++) {
          if ( p[i] === 'close' ) { ctx.closePath(); }
          else { ctx[( i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo' )](coords[0] + p[i][0], coords[1] + p[i][1]); }
      } else {
        w = this.width / 2;
        h = this.height / 2;
        x = coords[0] + w;
        y = coords[1] + h;

        ctx.moveTo(x + w, y);
        // Polygon math adapted from
        for (; i < p; i++) {
            x+(w * Math.cos((i * twoPI) / p)),
            y+(h * Math.sin((i * twoPI) / p))


 * Tracker Class for linking an object's properties to external input, such as the scroll or pointer.
 * @mixin
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
 * @property {number} ease=0 - The easing of the tracked values when updated. 0 = none, higher is longer.
 * @property {number} scale=1 - Multiplier of the tracked values, how drastically the tracker will affect the values. 2 is twice as fast as the tracked values, 0.5 is half the speed of the tracked values
 * @property {object|number|null} offset=null - Offset that should be applied to the tracked values.
 * @property {boolean|string} invert=null - Invert the tracked values. Can be a string of 'invertx' or 'inverty' to invert specific values
canvallax.Tracker = createClass(arrayLike,animateCore,
  /** @lends canvallax.Tracker# */

    ease: 0,
    scale: 1,
    property: 'offset',
    individual: false,
    playing: true,

    applyTracking: function(el, renderedPos){
      var me = this,
          pos = el[] || {},
          _pos = {};

      renderedPos = renderedPos || me._render(el);

      if ( !renderedPos ) { return false; }

      for ( var key in renderedPos ) {
        _pos[key] = me.scale * ( me.invert === true || me.invert === 'invert'+key ? renderedPos[key] : -renderedPos[key] ) +
                    (  me.offset && !isNaN(me.offset[key]) ? me.offset[key] : !isNaN(me.offset) ? me.offset : 0 );

        if ( !pos[key] ) { pos[key] = 0; }

        pos[key] = ( me.ease <= 0 ? _pos[key] : pos[key] + ( _pos[key] - pos[key] ) / (me.ease + 1) );

      el[] = pos;

      return this;

    render: function() {
      var len = this.length,
          i = 0,
          renderedPos = !this.individual ? this._render() : null;
      for ( ; i < len; i++ ){ this.applyTracking(this[i],renderedPos); }
      return this;

     * Create a clone of this object
     * @borrows clone as clone
     * @method
     * @param {object=} options - Properties to be applied to the cloned object


 * Creates a custom Canvallax Tracker.
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @method
var createTracker = canvallax.createTracker = createClass.bind(null,canvallax.Tracker);

var scrollX = 0,
    scrollY = 0,
    // Only one scroll tracker that works for every instance
    watchingScroll = false,
    onScroll = function(){
      scrollX = win.pageXOffset;
      scrollY = win.pageYOffset;
 * Tracker Class for linking an object's `x` and `y` to the scroll position.
 * @class
 * @mixes canvallax.Tracker
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
 * @example
 *  var scene = canvallax.Scene(),
 *      tracker = canvallax.TrackScroll();
 *  scene.addTo(tracker);
canvallax.TrackScroll = createTracker(
  /** @lends canvallax.TrackScroll.prototype */

    init: function(){
      if ( !watchingScroll ) {
        watchingScroll = true;
        doc.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll);

    _render: function(){
      var e = this.element;
      return {
        x: e ? e.scrollLeft : scrollX,
        y: e ? e.scrollTop : scrollY


  var winHeight = win.innerHeight,
      winWidth = win.innerWidth,

      /** Only one window resize event that works for every instance */
      watchingResize = false,
      onResize = function(){
        winHeight = win.innerHeight;
        winWidth = win.innerWidth;

      pointerFixedX = winWidth/2,
      pointerFixedY = winHeight/2,

      /** Only one pointer tracker that works for every instance */
      watchingPointer = false,
      onPointerMove = function(e){
        pointerFixedX = ( e.touches ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX );
        pointerFixedY = ( e.touches ? e.touches[0].clientY : e.clientY );

   * Tracker Class for linking an object's `x` and `y` to the pointer position.
   * Recommended for objects to be `fixed: true` to prevent any parent positioning from affecting the pointer tracking.
   * @class
   * @mixes canvallax.Tracker
   * @memberOf canvallax
   * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
   * @example
   *  var scene = canvallax.Scene(),
   *      arrow = canvallax.Polygon({
   *        fill: '#000',
   *        points: 3,
   *        width: 100,
   *        height: 100,
   *        fixed: true
   *      }),
   *      tracker = canvallax.TrackPointer({ ease: 4 });
   *  arrow.addTo(scene,tracker);
  canvallax.TrackPointer = canvallax.createTracker(
    /** @lends canvallax.TrackPointer.prototype */

      range: false,

      init: function(){
        if ( !watchingPointer ) {
          watchingPointer = true;
          doc.addEventListener('mousemove', onPointerMove);
          doc.addEventListener('touchmove', onPointerMove);
          doc.addEventListener('touchstart', onPointerMove);
        if ( !watchingResize ) {
          win.addEventListener('resize', onResize);

      _render: function(){
        var x = -pointerFixedX,
            y = -pointerFixedY,
            range = this.range;

        if ( range || range === 0 ) {
          x = ((pointerFixedX / winWidth) - 0.5 ) * -(range.x || range);
          y = ((pointerFixedY / winHeight) - 0.5 ) * -(range.y || range);
        return { x: x, y: y };


 * Element Tracker Class for linking an object's `x` and `y` to the element position, relative to scroll.
 * Recommended for objects to be `fixed: true` to prevent any parent positioning from affecting the link to the element.
 * @class
 * @mixes canvallax.Tracker
 * @memberOf canvallax
 * @param {object} options - Object containing properties to be applied to the new instance. Reference the properties below.
 * @property {node} element=null - Element to be tracked
 * @example
 *  var scene = canvallax.Scene(),
 *      rect = canvallax.Rectange({
 *        fill: '#000',
 *        width: 100,
 *        height: 100
 *      }),
 *      tracker = canvallax.TrackElement('#myElement');
 *  rect.addTo(scene,tracker);
canvallax.TrackElement = canvallax.createTracker(
  /** @lends canvallax.TrackPointer.prototype */

    init: function(opts){
      var elem = (opts && opts.element) || opts;
      this.element = ( typeof elem === 'string' ? document.querySelector(elem) : elem );

    _render: function(){
      var rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
      return { x: -rect.left, y: };


 * Run canvallax plugins after canvallax and all its methods have been set up.
var pluginQueue = noop,
    plugins = win._clx || [],
    len = plugins.length,
    i = 0;

for (; i < len; i++) { plugins[i](canvallax); }

pluginQueue.push = function(fn){ fn(canvallax); };
win._clx = pluginQueue;

})(window || this);